It's a mad, mad world; one that needs a man with an unbreakable will, an undying body, and an unstoppable resolve. This is the tale of the Unbreakable, Iron Ranger!
Prequel series to Crypts and Cowboys, Unbreakable Iron Ranger is the story of Ben Young, a peculiar young lad with a blue aura and metal limbs, who heads out into the cryptid side of the USA on a mission for to keep it safe.

To contact for commissions, pricing inquiries, other jobs, etc., please contact the following email:
[email protected]-For the sake of time and ease to make sure you email is recieved, please make sure it contains
--Subject should contain COMMISSION REQUEST: (Insert Comm Type here)
--If multiple jobs are need, subject should be COMMISSION REQUEST: Multiple Jobs
--If it is for a big project, subject should be COMMISSION REQUEST: (Insert if its for a Game, Comic, Series, etc) Project
--If you need an immediate response, please include IMMEDIATE as a prefix before the main subject line, and in the mail body include when you need a response by.
--All necessary reference images and necessary info is included
--If it is needed by a certain deadline, please included either a solid deadline, or estimation of when you the project done by.-Payments made via Paypal Invoices-Commission Requests will be accepted and/or denied for any reason whether it is for time, content, etc.-Multiple pieces can be done. (Example: Multiple Ref Sheets, Multiple Eyecatches, mix matches with Refs, Eyecatches, Covers, as well as Covers and Panel Work, etc.)-If any other questions are needed for Quotes, Piece info, jobs not listed here, etc., please include it in the mail body.